Concept: drayr

How do smaller shippers take advantage of larger scale freight networks and harness the power of large shippers? They need to join together and leverage each other to move freight faster. As a concept, drayr was created to find an answer to the job that needs to be done - move freight more efficiently.

The problem

Smaller shippers cargo gets stuck in terminals and can take several days or weeks to get on a truck. This is mostly because their cargo is combines with thousands of other smaller shippers cargo in hard and slow to deliver piles of containers. Larger shippers have an advantage because their cargo is piled together, making delivery more efficient.

The solution

Combine small shippers cargo together by trucker inside terminals for fast and efficient delivery.

How to accomplish this

Shippers request cargo pickup before the vessel arrives, allowing drayr to work with terminals to sort cargo. Cargo will be segregated into one of three piles by driving distance, short (0-20 miles), medium (21-50 miles), or long (50-100 miles). Drivers arrive at the terminal for the next available container in their driving range. They receive the information about where they are going and deliver the container.


Small shippers will be able to take advantage of the same relationships large shippers have and utilize the efficiency of having their cargo in these peel piles at container terminals.

drayr is still in a conceptual phase. If you want to learn more or sign up for updates or get on the wait list check us out online.

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